Professional Leadership Journal: Value Systems
Read throughly prior to bidding on paper. You must download the chapter 1 book and the other attached files. Professional Leadership Journal: Value Systems This week’s self-assessment, located in your text, is a brief individual leadership assessment entitled “Value Systems.” This simple assessment is designed to initiate your thinking on the topic of values in leadership and how your values might impact your leadership in the field of health care administration. For this Professional Leadership Journal, complete the “Value Systems” assessment. As a scholar-practitioner in the field of health care administration, reflect on what the assessment may reveal about your leadership values. What values may be important to you as a leader in the field of health care administration? The Assignment 2 pages: • Explain new insights gained based on your results of the “Value Systems” assessment. – Value system – ****Attached file named Assessment wk1 • Explain how these new insights might impact your current or future role as a health care administration leader. You must use attached resources with in-text citations. The book chapter for this assignment is chapter 1 it must cited and used download from –!AvJNh7RzHlN5gtNSR1-hxL-ANYFXTQ Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course. References: Nahavandi, A. (2015). The art and science of leadership. Boston: Pearson. The Governance Institute. (2009). Leadership in healthcare organizations: A guide to Joint Commission leadership standards. Retrieved from Zaleznick, A. (2004). Managers and leaders: Are they different? Harvard Business Review, 82(1), 74–81. Retrieved from