Promote an Innovative Product/Service within an organization

Promote an Innovative Product/Service within an organization

Assignment Brief Promote an Innovative Product/Service within the organization you work. You are assigned to prepare an assignment that shows evidences of the understanding on how to promote innovation and creativity within an organization. Describe a new product/service that it is promoted into the organization you work following the steps below: – How you promote your idea internally (e.g. meetings, presentation, providing information) – Is it easily acceptable by your employer/manager/colleagues – Try to convince them that this product/service will create a competitive advantage in the market – Refer to similar product/service that your competitors have – How the competitors’ product can be considered as a Threat to your new product/service – How much will the whole procedure cost to the business? – How the new product /service will influence the whole organization’s environment? – Conclusion Note: Please use of scholar references and regular in-text citation in order to support your documents. Make sure you are familiar with the APA Referencing System. Words: 3000 (10% +/-) I work in the national radio/TV station as journalist in Mauritius. therefore i need to promote an innovative product or service in my organization. Words limit is 3000 (10%+/-).