Proposed a multi-million dollar prison facility to accommodate the overcrowded and unsafe conditions in the state’s prison system

Proposed a multi-million dollar prison facility to accommodate the overcrowded and unsafe conditions in the state’s prison system

Prisons and prison overcrowding continue to be major problems across the United States. Imagine that you are a state legislator in your state. Sheriffs are concerned that because they are housing prisoners that have been convicted in their local jurisdictions, but are unable to transport them to the state prisons because of the overcrowding there. So the state law enforcement and correctional professionals are urging you to support a proposed multi-million dollar prison facility to accommodate the overcrowded and unsafe conditions in the state’s prison system. Though you acknowledge the prison overcrowding in your state, you’re not convinced that building more prisons is the answer. You decide to take an alternative look at why the prisons are overcrowded. You will present what you discover to the correctional professionals association at their next meeting. Select one theory from this topic that will help you explain and address the problem of prison overcrowding in your state. Prepare a 6-7 slide PowerPoint to accompany your presentation to the correctional professionals. Research a prison in your state. What are the majority of the inmates incarcerated for? Does your prison have overcrowding issues? Summarize your findings. Summarize the theory you chose, including information about the theorist. What approaches does this theory suggest might address the problem of prison overcrowding? Explain. Think creatively, Legislator! You have the power to make changes. Are there ways to reduce the amount of convictions that require prison time? Are there programs that could be implemented to treat rather than incarcerate? Are there certain laws and sentencing guidelines that need to be revised? Explain. Your presentation should contain a title slide and reference page slide in addition to the slides on which you answer these questions. Be sure to keep your audience in mind as you create this PowerPoint. How will you appeal to them? Use PowerPoint formatting tools and images to add visual interest to your presentation.