Provide a brief history of corrections in the United States.

Provide a brief history of corrections in the United States.

Your paper will respond to ALL of the following items: 1. Provide a brief history of corrections in the United States. 2. Explain the “Nothing Works” Philosophy. 3. Explain the Principles of Effective Intervention. This should include the research on the effectiveness of the model. 4. Explain the RNR Model. This should include the research on the effectiveness of the model. 5. Explain how we deal with special populations in U.S. Corrections. Define who are considered special populations and why. Also, discuss risk factors associated with each and how they are assessed. 6. Describe how (and why) cognitive behavior therapy is used in corrections to treat offenders. This should include the research on the effectiveness of the model. Assignment Requirements: Respond to these statements in an 8-10 page double-spaced paper (feel free to make it longer but not shorter). Anything under EIGHT FULL pages will receive a one letter grade deduction This paper should not be written in a question-answer format. Make sure you are responding to each of the statements reference above; however, do not restate the questions in your writing. I should be able find each of these items based on the content of what you write. This should be structured as an academic paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion (I also recommend using headings and subheadings). The following items must also be met:  Margins should be one inch and use a 12 pt font (Arial, Times New Roman, and Calibri only).  Submit the assignment with a cover page that contains your name, date, topic and the class title (does not count toward the page minimum).  Submit a reference sheet with any sources you used. You are required to have a minimum of six (6) NEW empirical references for this paper. These are sources that you did not use in your previous papers for class. Empirical sources refer to academic references. Those that qualify are books, research articles from peer-reviewed journals, governmental reports, etc. Newspaper articles, the dictionary, and Wikipedia do not qualify as an academic resource. You can use these sources in your paper but they do not qualify as one of the sources you are required to have. If you are in doubt, email me. I will let you know if a source qualifies. Not meeting this minimum will result in a deduction. Students who show an ability to find multiple sources often receive the highest grades. You also must include in-text citations. The reference page does not count toward the page minimum.  You can have one direct quote in this paper but paraphrase otherwise (with proper APA citation). More than one results in a deduction.