Reducing transferring time from ER to other units
Instructions Students submit two different drafts of their CAP paper during the term. The students’ university clinical faculty person reviews the drafts and provides feedback. Each draft earns a maximum of 5 points. Consult the “CAP Instructions and Rubric” document for guidance on content. See the course calendar for due dates. 1st draft contains: • Introduction • Literature review of the topic/issue The first draft should include proper APA-styled citations for the articles referenced. It does NOT need to include an APA-styled title page and running head; however, this is a requirement for the final paper. 2nd draft contains: • Literature review of the solution/interventions • Implementation/intervention The second draft should include proper APA-styled citations for the articles referenced. Instructor Feedback • These drafts ARE an opportunity for the instructor to tell the student if they are on the right track for content, writing, and formatting. • The drafts ARE NOT an opportunity to receive detailed corrections on content and APA style. Students are encouraged to seek writing/APA assistance from the APA Publication Manual, ResU’s lib guides, the Online Writing Lab (OWL) at Purdue, or Elizabeth Bertch in ResU’s ACE. Grading criteria CAP drafts will be assessed using the following criteria. Late submissions will lose up to 10% for every day submitted past the due date. 4-5 points: very good/good Draft follows all instructions; includes the required content contained in the CAP rubric. Writing is cohesive. Draft may have one or two deficiencies in completeness, content, writing mechanics, or APA format. 3 points: average Draft follows most instructions; includes most of the required content contained in the CAP rubric. Writing may need improvement. Draft has three or four deficiencies in content, writing mechanics, or APA format. 1-2 points: deficient Assignment is submitted but does not follow directions, lacks content, and/or is incomplete. 0 points: Nothing submitted Appendix F Clinical Application Project (CAP) Instructions and Rubric Description: The Clinical Application Project (CAP) is an opportunity for the BSN student to identify an issue, topic, or challenge that is relevant to their Role Transition clinical placement. The student will examine the research related to their topic and investigate the literature regarding a potential solution for, or intervention to improve, the issue. The student then creates a final project, intervention, or solution to their identified topic. They will present their work in a professional paper and electronic poster presentation. Directions: Identify a problem, issue of concern, or area for improvement relevant to your clinical setting. Describe the importance of the area of concern (include facts, statistics etc.). Consult with your RN preceptor and ResU clinical faculty regarding your topic. Your clinical instructor must approve the topic before work is initiated. Critically analyze the literature related to the area of concern. Identify possible solutions to the selected area of concern, based on the evidence in the literature. Review each for its strengths, weaknesses, and feasibility. Select one solution. Engage in the necessary work for this quality improvement project (e.g., develop a new form and identify approvals required for its use). Although students may not have enough time to actually implement their entire project or quality improvement activity, the final work product should clearly outline the plan for implementation, including a timeline. Students will provide evidence of the final work product (e.g., educational program outline, instructional pamphlets, nursing form, pocket resource, new policy). The student will create an electronic poster which visually represents the clinical application project. The e-poster displays similar components as the paper, but in a very concise and visually pleasing design. Further guidelines and instructions for the e-poster are included in the document entitled “e-Poster Creation”. The final paper and electronic poster are graded according to the specifics contained in the following grading rubric. Formal e-poster presentations will take place on campus at the end of the term. Students are expected to wear business attire, including name badges, and remain available to respond to attendees during the entire session. Appendix F (cont’d) Professional Role Transition Grading criteria for PAPER Points Comments Introduction • Introduces topic and provides overview of the issue (2 pts.) • Discusses why this issue is pertinent to the particular unit/organization and what led student to choose the topic (2 pts.) • Identifies unit, manager, etc. support for the project (1 pt.) • Identifies how the project will specifically benefit the unit/organization (2 pts.) /7 Literature review: topic/issue • Includes two recent articles (less than 5-7 years) from professional nursing or health sciences journals (2 pts.) • For each article: provides brief summary and discusses how the article is pertinent and relevant to the topic/issue (4 pts./each article=8 total) /10 Literature review: solution/intervention • Includes two recent (less than 5-7 years) articles from professional nursing or health sciences journals (2 pts.) • For each article: provides brief summary and discusses how the article is pertinent and relevant to the solution or interventions (4 pts./each article=8 total) • Articles support the student’s chosen solution or intervention (2 pts.) /12 Implementation/intervention • Clearly describes final project or intervention (2 pts.) • Outlines specific steps to implement final project/solution, including timeline for how the project could be “rolled out” (4 pts.) • Discusses how the project will address/improve the clinical issue (2 pts.) • Discusses future follow-up, evaluation, and/or measurement of the impact of the project (3 pts.) /11 Paper mechanics • Incorporates required content in a 4-5 page paper (not including title page and reference page) (2 pts.) • Follows correct APA format throughout: o title page and running head (1 pt.) o spacing and font size (1 pt.) o headings and in-text citations (1 pt.) o reference page (2 pts.) • Writes clearly; uses correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation; avoids first person voice (3 pts.) /10 Grading criteria for e-POSTER Points Comments Topic/issue • Clearly displays the topic or issue (2 pts.) • Includes general information about the topic or issue (2 pts.)* • Communicates specifics about why it is pertinent to the particular unit or organization (2 pts.)* • States institutional support (1 pt.) *If applicable, poster uses appropriate graphic or visual which conveys national or local data, trends, organization or unit statistics, etc. /7 Literature review of the topic/issue • Includes literature support of the topic or issue (1 pt.) • Summarizes most important point(s) of each article (4 pts.) • Clearly connects authors with literature points (1 pt.) /6 Solution/intervention • Clearly outlines solution (2 pts.) • Presents solution as feasible (1 pt.) • Includes literature support of chosen solution (2 pt.) • Clearly connects authors with solution literature (1 pt.) /6 Implementation • Identifies and explains final project and includes a copy, if applicable (in-service handouts, pamphlet, form, pocket card, for example) (4 pts.) • Describes how the final project would be implemented, including timeline for “roll-out” (2 pts.) • Describes how the impact of the project could be measured or evaluated (2) • Addresses the future implications of the project for the unit and/or nursing in general (2 pts.) /10 e-Poster mechanics • Professional looking: follows elements of e-poster construction; organized and clear layout that flows well (2 pts.) • Visually appealing: words and graphics easy to see; appropriate use of color (2 pts.) • Student’s name, Resurrection University and project site are clearly identified (1 pt.) • Reference page is complete, in proper APA format, and displayed near the poster (1 pt.) /6 TOTAL /85 Appendix G e-Poster Creation Poster presentations present research and clinical projects in an interactive setting. Your electronic (e-) poster will present key elements of your Clinical Application Project (CAP) in an easy-to-read format. The CAP e-poster is to be designed on a PowerPoint template, but not printed. You will simply submit the PowerPoint file to the Brightspace submission folder. If you are unfamiliar with creating a scientific poster, instructions are outlined at the bottom of this document. It’s easier than you think. Because you are limited by space in the poster format, you must be clear and concise in your writing. Refer to the CAP rubric for all necessary requirements. General guidelines for e-poster: • The e-poster should look neat, professional, and visually appealing • Use a simple font (like Arial), no smaller than size 32; larger for section headings and even larger for title/presenter name • Regarding text: o Labels or headings should be clear and easy to understand. o Select contrasting colors; darker letters are effective when used on a light background & vice versa. o Text should be brief and to the point; use short sentences or phrases to summarize key points; bullet points work well. • If you are planning to use charts or graphs on your poster: o Visual data help to express ideas; graphics should be understandable. o Keep it simple; don’t overwhelm the audience with too many numbers. o Make sure there is a clear caption so the reader understands the significance. • Assure consistency in use of format. • Check and double check spelling. Reminders: • Include a copy of any form, brochure or handout you develop as part of the project. • A reference page in APA format must be available for viewing near your e-poster. The reference page should include at least the journal articles that were discussed in the literature reviews of the clinical topic and solution. Poster Instructions • Open the poster template in the course shell and save it to your computer. • Now you’re ready to make it your own: experiment with different colors, fonts, designs. • Keep in mind the “general guidelines” listed above. • Add your content, graphics, charts, etc. • Save your work frequently as you create. Appendix G (cont’d) CAP Presentation Guidelines for e-Poster Session What is an e-poster? An e-poster uses a computer instead of a poster board. You will need to bring your own laptop for the presentation. Guidelines for e-posters 1. Poster sessions give presenters and participants a chance to interact. You are welcome to provide handouts, which can contain more in-depth information. 2. Conversations are encouraged, so please no electronic audio features. 3. Use one PowerPoint slide for your poster. A template is provided in the course shell. 4. Do not over-load your slide with content. Keep it simple and clear. Use a font size of 32 or larger. 5. The presentation should be inviting and interesting. It should not provide extensive information. 6. Remember: This is an opportunity to interact. It’s not a formal, lengthy presentation. Your goal is to use the e-poster as a framework for your conversation; your handouts can include more detailed or technical information. 7. When displaying your e-poster, use the slideshow mode. Handouts It is suggested that you provide a handout summary or description of the work, project, program, or research related to the poster. Any handouts should include full contact information of the presenter. Keep one master copy. If you run out of handouts you can use the master for demonstration.