Reduction of Discrimination between Rural and Urban Primary education in Bangladesh

Reduction of Discrimination between Rural and Urban Primary education in Bangladesh

Ideas to write on this paper TOPIC:Reduction of Discrimination between Rural and Urban Primary education in Bangladesh:Is there any magic bullets? 1. Rural urban distance(geographical) of education has been increased from past 10 years(data should be given)like before rural people were neglected,didn’t get properschool,advantages because of geoghaphical distance,so urban people used to get all the facilities.but now situation has been changed a lot compared to past. (here need to show the comparative differences,how the changes occurred,rural urban distance minimizes,how?) 2.Same,genealogical changed also occurred..before Bangladesh poor,disadvantages people whose foue generation used to be poor are not at all poor or uneducated,they start thinking advanced,they can talk to their right..not necesarility for an example farmer children shud be farmar,because of the reduction of discrimination of education between urban and rural they are also getting proper,quality education (here needed to be discussed how the genealogy effect this Asia specially Bangladesh for so long and how they are recovering and get accepted this challenges and changesthe senerio for the advanment of education..i mean how education help them to improve their life. 2. Comparative analysis 3. Needed to be discussed:how the situation has been change? Because govt has taken many initiatives(mention few initiatives) Ngo ‘s are too active .its not only privately doing help to reduct but also GO and NGO togetherly works as a joint ventures,coverage all others,comprehensive initiatives for ensuring the quality education of Bngladesh 4. Findings