Reflect upon lessons learned from this hypothetical business-building exercise

Reflect upon lessons learned from this hypothetical business-building exercise

Individually, you will reflect upon lessons learned from this hypothetical business-building exercise.

Collect your reflections in report. Consider (but do not limit yourself to) the following:

• What did you find most challenging throughout the process? Most surprising?

• In what areas did you and your group seem to find consensus easy, and which areas

most difficult?

• What sorts of things happened, or what did you discover, that made you wish you’d

made different choices earlier on?

• How did you manage conflict on the team?

• What are the major takeaways from the experience? What advice would you give

students about to start this project next term?

Following your submission of this Individual Reflection of Learning, the instructor will lead a

Learning Activity in the last class to allow students to share their experiences.