Reflective Personal Journal on three vignettes
Your Journal will focus on three vignettes which you will describe and analyse. These vignettes come from your own experience of leadership and may involve either your experiences as a leader, or your observations of other leaders in action with whom you have associated. Each vignette will contain a summary of the story which you want to highlight, and then a scholarly critique of that story using relevant leadership theories from class discussions. Format: 1. Brief opening statement which summarises Journal. 2. Three vignettes with a scholarly critique, using the literature. 3. A final section which summarises your learning over the semester and discusses things that have changed in your understandings of leadership. Requirements: This assignment is about reflecting on your own life and applying scholarly reasoning and critique to specific events that alerted you to leadership issues. The group discussions in class of particular theories will inform your reflections and you need to show these in your Journal. It is important that you use the first person in your Journal and that you disclose your thought processes and feelings in it. You have been experiencing leadership all of your life and even if you have never had a formal title of ‘leader’, you have, nonetheless, experienced leadership in a number of different ways throughout your life – in your family, country and workplaces. Your life is a rich resource of leadership experiences. In the concluding section you need to show how are your thoughts have changed or remained static over the time of studying this paper.