Relationship between violence and law enforcement in the 19th-century American West.
Instructions: For your Final Paper, choose ONE of the questions listed below. You may modify the question after consultation with the instructor. Your paper must be a minimum of 1500 words of text within the body of the paper. That would be about five to seven pages minimum, double-spaced, using a 12 point type size. It is the word count that matters, not the number of pages. The paper must be in the Times New Roman font. The paper must have citations and a bibliography. The words used in these elements will not be part of the total word count. If your paper does not have both citations and a bibliography, the highest score you can receive is 175 points, or 70% of the available credit for this assignment. Sierra College history papers are required to utilize Chicago (also known as Turabian) citation style. If you do not use the Chicago Style citation form, the highest score you can earn on the Final Paper is 175 points. If you are unfamiliar with the Chicago style, the college Writing Center (Rocklin LRC 424) has information on this style. Information is also available online. Instruction on this citation style will not be provided in this class. The parenthetical form of Chicago Style (it looks similar to MLA format) is not acceptable for this assignment. You will write the paper as a take-home assignment. You will be provided one class period for researching. The answer will be graded on completeness, clarity, organization, grammar, spelling, selection of evidence, and the persuasiveness of your argument. Additional factors will apply also, such as neatness of presentation. History 17A – Noy – Spring 2016 – Syllabus 9 Depending on which question you choose, the amount of sources you need vary. However, three sources minimum is usually the acceptable amount. Good papers usually have at least five sources. Excellent papers usually have at least 8-10 sources. Papers must utilize hard copy, printed sources as well as online sources. A digital (or online) version of a printed source counts as a printed source. Your last name and page number must be in the upper right corner on every page in the header and the sheets stapled together. A folder or title page is not necessary — in fact, it is discouraged. However, if you use the title page recommended by the Chicago Style handbook, you will not be graded down.