Report on adopting a Leadership and Management Development programme
Your organization has asked you to prepare a report on adopting a Leadership and Management Development programme. They require more background to the exact difference between what the experts term ‘Leadership’ and ‘Management’. They would also like to see your recommendations on what you feel about the Situational and Contingency theories of leadership and how they could adopt the key principles into an appropriate programme of development for the organization. Answer Framework – You are expected to prepare a 2000 to 2500 word report, suitable for consideration at the next top management meeting. This report is to present the results of your research into the issues, to explain the concept of leadership and management. You need to highlight the differences and similarities, also the inter-changeability of the principles. You also need to explain 3 or 4 of the main theories of leadership and to make recommendations concerning the action required (with approximate costings). This will enable your organization to ensure that its approach to leadership and management development is aligned to the organizations culture and values, whilst giving a contemporary viewpoint. Both in terms of competitive advantage, if in the private sector and/or to leverage and motivate the human resources of the organization to improve cost and service targets, if in the public sector. Assessment criteria: Your understanding of the issues involved; Your method of approach and analysis; The quality and relevance of the information gathered and used; The models and principles employed; The structure, presentation and style of your material; The feasibility and credibility of your conclusions and recommendations. Make reference to a best practice literature review. Use the Harvard Referencing System for literature references and a bibliography. Main source: Carmichael, Collins, Emsell, and Haydon: Leadership and Management Development