Report to the APHI Board in which you recommend or advise against a major or full scale effort to develop health care further in your chosen region

Report to the APHI Board in which you recommend or advise against a major or full scale effort to develop health care further in your chosen region

Your role as a consultant to APHI is coming to an end. The data gathering phase is complete. It is time for an analysis of the situation in the region you have studied. Your understanding of hospitals, physicians, other providers, financial plans, and the influence of the federal government on all of them should add up to some conclusions. The purpose of this assignment is to have you review what you have learned in the last four units so you can create a valid synopsis of health care systems at the regional level. Write a 5–7 page report to the APHI Board in which you recommend or advise against a major or full scale effort to develop health care further in your chosen region, and give reasons. For this assignment, review the assignments you wrote for the previous units. Then, answer the following questions: Do you recommend that APHI expand into this region? In detail, justify why or why not—and, if applicable, what factors need to change in order for APHI to consider expanding into this region. Your justification needs to incorporate: Information about the history of the hospital care or health care in the region, and how this history has influenced your decision to recommend or not recommend expansion into this region. A discussion of whether it is feasible for APHI to expand into this region from a fiscal point of view. Information about how the federal government has been involved with health care in this region, and how this influenced your decision to recommend or not recommend expansion into this region. All the above points should be specified in a 5 page paper that includes a three paragraph summary of the work you did in the previous four assignments as an appendix. You will be evaluated for this edited work, along with your new work, for your final project evaluation.