Research and analyze how various public library efforts are transforming our culture, communities, civic rights and responsibilities in order to solve real threats to library access for at-risk groups

Research and analyze how various public library efforts are transforming our culture, communities, civic rights and responsibilities in order to solve real threats to library access for at-risk groups

Please also address how digital literacy has affected our approach to solve these challenges (of serving at-risk groups) in world cultures and their impact on the effectiveness of public libraries world-wide. You can use at-risk groups such as: – special needs group (people with special needs) – low-income people – and/or rural communities – and use immigrants/new Americans as one of comparison groups, in addition to special needs, etc. You can use San Francisco Public Library as a guide so that you at least have one library example for the paper (here’s the link I was referring to: – see the sidebar). Turn in your 10-page, double-spaced paper. Please include photos, media uploads and website links as appropriate.