Research Paper over Emmett Till Incident
Building off the steps that we learned through the library assignment on primary and secondary sources, you will be writing a research paper on a topic of emmett till using the both primary and secondary sources that I ask you to use. The topic must be a historically significant person, event, movement or trend from the period covered in this class (roughly 1877 to today) that is significant to both U.S. history and the idea of the Long Civil Rights Movement. For grading: -Chicago format (in text citations and footnotes) – Proper paragraph structure w/ good transitional paragraphs – Proper use of grammar – Passive voice, correct tense, and voice – Strong intro/conclusion – Clearness, conciseness, and cohesiveness – Clear thesis statement – Good title that relates to the message in paper – NO plagiarism there will be a plagiarism check and no wikipedia – 2 Primary and 4 secondary source= 6 total – Bibliography – At least 1000 words – A thesis is a claim with reasons that should answer the research question ^ (evidence to back up claim) The thesis should go into the introductory paragraph. The thesis is in the stress position and should have supporting details in the other sections Thesis: should MAKE a claim with reasons (sub topics, that are evidence to back up claim made) You should have at least 3 reasons, and break it down into subset or subtopics.