Research paper that examines a hypothesis (es) about the Cold War.

Research paper that examines a hypothesis (es) about the Cold War.

Each student is required to write a 12-15 page original research paper that examines a hypothesis (es) about the Cold War. Each element of the paper must be written using 12-point Times New Roman font, have page numbers, 1 inch margins, bibliography, and be double spaced. Grading Expectations • title page & bibliography (does not count toward page total) – NOTE: In-text citations and bibliography must follow the American Political Science Review. • annotated bibliography that explains how the argument and hypothesis fits into the scholarly literature – NOTE: The paper must discuss at least 12 scholarly literature sources. Acceptable sources include academically recognized journals, publishers, and government reports. Media sources can be used but do not count towards the requirement total. Three sources must be primary sources. • a theory section with formal or informally stated hypothesis – key features: theoretical consistency, argument clarity, and contribution are key factors • argumentation and use of evidence – students may use qualitative or quantitative methods to support the argument • conclusions and suggestions for future research • Identification of cold war issue (10 pt) – only questions appropriate for social science research are acceptable – paragraph description of the research question • Introduction (40 pt) – 1-2-page introduction of the research question • Annotated bibliography (50 pt) – section should be 3-5 pages and include the at least 10 academically acceptable sources (the number is different from the total paper because you do not necessarily need to include all references in the literature review section) – failure to include at least two primary sources will result in a failed grade • Theory (75) – theoretical causal argument that links piece with literature but is an original contribution – good theories change our thinking about some aspect of the political world – good theories are causal, empirical, non-normative, general, parsimonious – section must be 4-6 pages long • Final Paper