Research proposal on Leptis Magna Archeological Site

Research proposal on Leptis Magna Archeological Site

A prepared two-page, double-spaced research proposal is attached below for your review which will outline the scope of the project. The idea here is to articulate a sense of the set of questions and problems that you are interested in pursuing, so as to develop for yourself a research path. In order to do this, I want you to address the following questions: What drew you to the site that you selected? What is it about the site that you have selected that is so intriguing? What are you trying to explain or understand about your selected site? What do you see as the historical significance of the site? What might your site help us to understand about our common human history? What potential difficulties to you envision confronting in the course of this project? Is there something about the site that you have selected that is problematic in any way?

The major project for the course will be a proposal in which students are asked to identify a significant site( Letpis Magna) that is in need of historical preservation. The World Heritage Program of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) ( engages in the protection of human and natural sites that are of value to all of humanity. The idea will be to draw upon the historical and theoretical issues that we have pursued over the course of the quarter in order to articulate the preservation of such a site that does not do so upon merely Eurocentric grounds – that is, how does one legitimately craft an ethically just historical position that does not simply seek to impose Western standards on the rest of the world? How, in other words, can one– if one can – escape from the master narrative that is Europe? These proposals will be evaluated in terms of the cogency, complexity, and persuasiveness of the arguments that the students make in terms of their selected site.

The bibliography should be formatted according to The Chicago Manual of Style. 12pt, double-spaced. According to the files attached below from the articles. As a part of your proposal, you will also include a working bibliography of the secondary sources (both monographs and journal articles) you might need to consider in order to finalize your research and your paper. This paper is to include at least 12 sources, with a good balance of both monographs and articles. 10 pages at least.