Research the founders intent with regards to the Electoral College, as well as why there is a growing movement to eliminate it.
Program-Level Objectives met with this assignment:
Personal Responsibility
- Social Responsibility
- Communication
- Critical Thinking Skills
Course-Level Objectives met with this assignment:
For this discussion, you are going to research the founders intent with regards to the Electoral College, as well as why there is a growing movement to eliminate it.
Activity for Assessment:
Watch the following video, do any extra research as necessary and then answer the following questions:
1.) What was the founders intent with the Electoral College?
2.) How does it actually work?
3.) In 2019, is this system still the best one for us or should popular vote determine our president?
4.) Are voters informed enough and participate at a high enough level for elections to just be based on popular vote?
5.) In your opinion, does the electoral college preventing democracy or tyranny? Why or why not?
Please be sure to meet the requirements for posting in the discussion board. Read the instructions below. Do not forget your works cited. The link listed above must be cited. Any other research conducted, which is required, must also be included in your sources.
answering the question(s) posed, with works cited. Must be a minimum of 250 words. The word count does not include your required works cited.