Review of the theater play As You Like It/Hamlet at the Shakespeare’s Globe
This paper is a critical review of the play “As You Like It” or Hamlet, which is performed at the Shakespeare’s Globe in London. The perspective of the writer should be from a person who attended the play (make it seem like you were there). The review should focus on Hamlet’s role in the life and times of Shakespeare, and how it is shown in the play, relating it to the history of London (the Elizabethan and the Jacobean London, England). This should be from a humanities point of view. Where detail should be on the language and methods of English Renaissance drama, Shakespeare’s world-view and major concerns, the society, culture and mentality of London in his time, all that through writing a review on the play As You Like It/Hamlet. The paper should show: close familiarity with the play “As You Like It”; sharp, accurate observation of the production witnessed (based on customer reviews maybe?); clear understanding and appropriate application of relevant critical concepts; awareness and appropriate application of historical and other contexts.