Risk mitigation measures, and the residual risk results.
Part One Instructions: Do Exercise 13 Exercise 13: Executive Summary on Risk Mitigation Learning Objectives and Outcomes You will review the given case study to explain risk mitigation measures and the residual risk results. Assignment Requirements Given the information presented in Lesson 1 and the completed risk analysis, your task for this assignment is to write an executive summary report explaining the suggested risk mitigation measures, and the residual risk results. The Security policy resulting from the Lab exercise and its justification should be incorporated into the Executive Summary. Deliverables and format: Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document in not more than 300 words. Font: Arial 10 point size Line Spacing: Double Common concepts in information security, privacy and the law CO1 Lesson 1 Ch1 Presentation Lesson 2 Ch2 Presentation Forum: DQ#1* Week 1 Assignment* Deliverables and format: Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document in not more than 300 words. Font: Arial 10 point size Line Spacing: Double Submission Instructions: Submit your answer in a Microsoft Word document in not more than 300 words. Font: Arial 10 point size Line Spacing: Double Assignment Grading Criteria 1. Content 50% 2. Writing Conventions (Grammar and Mechanics) 10% 3. Organization of Ideas/Format 300 Words 30% 4. Source (APA Format) 10% PART TWO Assignment Instructions Instructions: After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the following: 1. Prepare a summary of all your findings in a Microsoft Word document (Font: Arial, 10; Line Spacing: Double). Case Study Schedule: Week 4: Document retention policy due Week 5: Litigation Hold Notice due Week 6: Checklist of procedures due Week 7: Summary Paper (Papers must not exceed a 30 per cent Turnitin score to be graded) Details of Summary Paper (21%): Prepare a 8-10 page summary paper in Microsoft Word (counts as 21% of the final grade) in APA format with 5-10 references (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (250 words per page). This paper must include the week 4, 5 and 6 assignments as sections of document for grading. Your summary should refer to the prior assignments within the document. Submission Instructions: Grading: The Appendix A – Grading Rubric will be used to evaluate your paper along with the APA manual NOTE: Your assignment is automatically submitted to TurnItIn with your submission (no need to, in fact, DO NOT submit the paper separately to Turnitin.com) APA Tips 1. Paragraphs average 3-5 sentences in length 2. Reference all statements of fact 3. At least 1 reference per paragraph as a rule of thumb 4. Font size and style consistent 5. No first person (I, we, us, etc.) 6. Past tense only 7. Double spaced 8. First line of paragraph indented Please do not check paper under your system I have my own way to check for Plagiarism. Ask me any question please. Notice this is two separate assignment. Supporting Materials