Role of ethics in sales management

Role of ethics in sales management

The final paper will be 5 to 6 double-spaced pages (not including the cover page and reference page, which are required). As with other writing assignments in this course, there will be multiple drafts. Draft 1: Write all body paragraphs for your draft. Use the PCCEP Rubric for Research Position Paper and everything you have learned to this point to make your paper the best it can be. Hold off on the informal language until you write the white paper. This is a more formal, academic piece. Draft 2: Revise all body paragraphs and then add an introduction and conclusion. Edit for professionalism, clarity, conciseness, use of evidence (citations), format, and persuasiveness. Then submit your paper to this dropbox folder to show you are prepared for peer reviews in class. Final Work on your Research Paper draft until it is as good as you can make it in the allotted time. Use the checklist and rubric–and everything you have learned to this point– to make your paper the best it can be. Use what you learned for your peers to revise your Research Paper. Then copy edit your paper and proofread it out loud. When you have it as close to perfection as possible, submit it to the dropbox below for your instructor to grade. **** In need of the final draft ****