Sales Ethics as a Guide for Salespeople

Sales Ethics as a Guide for Salespeople

Sales ethics creates a moral framework as a guide for salespeople.

Since salespeople daily have contacts with customers, they may be called on to make fast decisions while in the field to respond to customer requests and/or competition. This chapter should leave you with a higher appreciation and understanding of the influence the sales manager has on salespeople and their ethics.

Read this article titled “Protect and Prevent: Neutralizations and Unethical Sales Behavior”:

Focus on the five neutralization techniques that can be used to justify one’s actions. Imagine that one of the salespeople who reports to you “overlooked” telling the customer that he was entering into a 48-month contract. The customer trusted the salesperson when she told him that he could cancel the service at any time and did not read the fine print in the contract.

The customer has contacted you and is furious with your company. You asked him to give you the opportunity to talk to your salesperson and get back to him. When you spoke to your salesperson, she said “I didn’t think there was any harm because I was sure he would want the service for at least 48 months anyway. I needed that sale because I have my family to think about. I am the only breadwinner in the home.”

What will you do about this? How will you work things out with the customer? What will you be discussing with the salesperson when you meet with her again?