Samantha is a 31-year-old female client, who also works as a mental health counselor in the community

Samantha is a 31-year-old female client, who also works as a mental health counselor in the community

Discussion Prompt #2:

Samantha is a 31-year-old female client, who also works as a mental health counselor in the community. Samantha reports that she works as a play therapist and that she recently lost a 7-year-old client, who died in an auto accident. After experiencing the loss of her client, Samantha has experienced anguish, sadness, and a loss of motivation to continue her work as a play therapist. She verbalizes that she feels “stuck” in the bereavement process, but that she is not interested in any “textbook” grief and loss work. She warns you, “Don’t even bring up Kubler-Ross!” She hints that she is well aware of all of the counseling models and tools. You decide to help her work through the bereavement process.

Describe how you might help Samantha engage in the grief work. Remember, she is a counselor and so she will not let you get away with textbook answers. Feel free to be creative.