Select any one Apple Computer product. How would you characterize the diffusion of this product in terms of the categories of adopters?
Question 1 (2.5 %): Select any one Apple Computer product. How would you characterize the diffusion of this product in terms of the categories of adopters? Has it crossed the chasm? Explain.
Question 2 (2.5 %): Microsoft has hired you directly out of a high quality MBA Program to join its loss-mediation team. Identify and briefly explain each of the Windows® 7 intellectual property considerations in support of your team’s efforts.
Question 3 (2.5%): Identify and explain the Goomzee marketing management in relation to its pricing. Be sure to cover all the relevant textbook pricing chapter concepts and terms in your essay response.
Question 4 (2.5%): Dell Computer has hired you directly out of a high quality MBA Program to join its integrated marketing communications team. You have been tasked with composing a synergistic mix of Web 2.0 technologies to promote flagging desktop sales. It is understood that others on your team will address other promotional tools. Considering a healthy but not exorbitant promotion budget, (a) compose an outline of the Web 2.0 technologies, message, and timing you would emphasize and (b) explain how your recommendations will create synergy (where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) in support of the organization’s objectives. Be creative, but ensure synergy above all.
Question 5 (2.5%): Of all the innovative organizations you have studied this term, in your opinion which has done the best job of STP (segmentation, targeting, and positioning)? That is, which organization has done the crispest job of crystallizing its brand in the minds of a prescribed segment, the target market the organization distilled for itself? Explain.
Question 6 (2.5 %): Describe precisely how, and all the ways that, SELCO-India illustrates corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship.