Self evaluation of dietary intake
NUTRITION 101 PROJECT: SELF EVALUATION OF DIETARY INTAKE Project due date is: _________. Include website printouts. The project will be downgraded for each class day that it is late. Project completion is a requirement of the course and must be submitted by the final exam date (at the latest!) or your grade automatically becomes an “F”. 1. Keep a record of all the food you eat and the beverages you drink (besides water) for THREE days, including one weekend day. Choose 3 days which are typical of your regular eating habits, they do not need to be consecutive. Then go to as demonstrated in class to enter your food intake for each day, following the website instructions provided. Print out all the required forms from the website before logging off. Then answer these questions. 2. RDA/AI Comparison (Nutrients Report): Using the 3-day average from “Nutrients Report”, compare your dietary intake with the RDA and AI’s for the following nutrients only: fiber, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K, folate, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. Include AMDR for CHO, protein and fat. a. Which subgroup (age/gender/life stage) of the RDA’s best describes you? b. List the nutrient recommendations that you met (OK). c. List the nutrients that you fell below the recommended amount (Under). d. List the nutrients that you exceeded the recommended amount (Over). e. Compare your intake to the AMDR 3. Choose My Plate (Food Groups Report): Compare your dietary intake with Choose my Plate for these main groups: Grains, Vegetables, Fruits, Dairy, Protein, Oil, Empty calories. If you were under or over in a particular subgroup, address that as part of the main group. a. List all the foods you ate over the 3 days in their appropriate food groups. b. List the food groups that you met the recommended amounts (OK). c. List the food groups that you fell below the recommended amount (Under). d. List the food groups that you exceeded the recommended amounts (Over). 4. Dietary Guidelines for Americans Comparison: 8/17/2016 10  Compare yourself to the major themes of the Dietary Guidelines by answering these questions: a. Did you follow a healthy eating pattern? Explain. b. Did you focus on variety, nutrient density and amount? Explain c. Did you limit calories from added sugars and saturated fats and reduce sodium intake? Explain. d. Did you shift to healthier food and beverage choices? Explain e. Did you support health eating patterns for all? Explain. 5. American Heart Association or National Cholesterol Education Program’s (NCEP) TLC Diet recommendations: Use or and/or your text/notes to list the recommendations for daily intake for each of the following nutrients then compare the recommendations to your average intake (met or exceeded). a. Total fat (%) b. Saturated fat (%) c. Cholesterol (mg) d. Sodium (mg) e. List all high sodium sources in your 3-day intake. Then list other high sodium foods which you typically eat, even if you did not eat them during the 3 days tracked. 6. Summary: Evaluate your overall diet in terms of the RDA/AI’s, AMDR’s, Choose My Plate, Dietary Guidelines for Americans and AHA recommendations. Explain what is excessive, what is deficient and which goals you met/did not meet. How will this affect your health, both now and in the future? What SPECIFIC changes can you make to improve your diet? The summary must be a well-developed essay, double-spaced, of at least 3 pages. 7. Bibliography: (5 pts) In proper MLA format, using reputable sources (at least 2). Please attach the project rubric to your project. Your grade will be determined using the project rubric which can also be used to double check that your project is complete. Instructions for Website Go to 1. 1. Click on “Super Tracker” 2. Click on “Create Profile” in the first paragraph on the right. 3. This takes you to a log in page. Your “User ID” must be your name, or points will be deducted from your grade. 4. Enter the information and create a password to create an account. Submit the information. 5. Click on “Food Tracker”. Make sure the date is correct for the day you are entering the foods. You will need to go back and change the date in order to enter your food intake for Day 2 and change it again for Day 3. 6. Enter all the foods you have eaten on Day 1. Do not forget condiments and foods added, such as dressing on your salad or sugar/milk in your coffee, salt and seasoning used in preparing and cooking. Include all drinks except water. a) Enter food in search and click “go” b) A list of different food items related to what you entered will appear. Choose the food that most closely resembles what you have eaten. If you had a combination meal, such as pizza, you may choose the type of pizza that is closest to the type you had (i.e. Frozen, size of pie, etc.). However, if you had a sandwich, you should enter the components of the sandwich individually (i.e. 2 slices wheat bread, 4 slices turkey breast, 2 Tbsp. light mayo). c) Click on the amount and serving size to choose an appropriate serving size. d) Select the meal or snack when the food was eaten. e) Click add. f) Keep entering food until you have entered all food and drinks for the entire day. Do this for all three days. Remember to change the date for each day. 7. When finished adding foods, click on “My Reports” on the top toolbar. 8. Click on “Meal Summary Report”. Enter date range for your three-day food record, and choose “all” meals. Click on ‘create report’. Export the 3-day food record into Word or pdf as preferred. This is the menu of foods and quantities eaten for the 3 days. 8/17/2016 11  9. Click on “Food Groups and Calorie Report”. Enter date range for your three-day food record, and choose “all” meals. Click on ‘create report’. Export the 3-day food record in Word or pdf as preferred. This is the comparison to Choose My Plate. 10. Click on “Nutrients”. Enter date range for your three-day food record, and choose “all” meals. Click on ‘create report’. Export the 3-day food record into Word or pdf as preferred. This is the comparison to DRI- RDA, AI, AMDR. These reports will be used to continue working on the project, and answering the questions. They must also be included when you turn in the project on the due date. Please note: To complete the Dietary Guidelines section and the American Heart Association section of the project you will need to use your textbook, lecture notes or the website noted in the project requirements section. Additionally, the three page final assessment of your intake is required. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books and References: American Heart Association Low Salt Cookbook: a complete guide to reducing sodium and fat in your diet. 3rd edition. New York: Clarkson Potter, 2006. DeBruyne, L, K. Pinna and E. Whitney. Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th Ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Berkoff, N. Nutrition for the Culinary Arts. New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005. Clark, Nancy, Nancy Clark’s Sports Nutrition Guidebook, 4th ed., Boston, 2008 Kittler, Pamela and Sucher, K., Food and Culture in America, 4th ed., Thomson Wadsworth, 4th ed., 2004. Lappe, Francis Moore, Diet for a Small Planet, New York: Ballantine Books, 20th Anniver. Ed.1991. Mahan, L. Kathleen, and Escott-Stump, S. Krause’s Food, Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 11th ed., W.B. Saunders Co., 2004 Pennington, J. and Douglass, J. Food Values of Portions Commonly Used. 18th ed., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2005. Satter, Ellyn. Child of Mine: Feeding with Love and Good Sense, 3rd ed., Bull Publishing Co., 1991 Weigley, E.S. “Nutrition in nursing education and beginning practice”. J Am Diet Assoc 94.6 (1994):654-6. Rolfes, S., K. Pinna and E. Whitney, Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition, 9th edition, Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012. Periodic Nutrition Updates: ** * ** * ** * ** Nutrition Action Tufts Diet & Nutrition Newsletter Center for Science in the Public Interest Tufts University, School of Nutrition Dietetic Currents Ross Lab 625 Cleveland Avenue Columbus, Ohio 43216 Websites 1875 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, D.C. 20009 203 Harrison Avenue Boston, Mass. 02111