Shell New Lens video analysis

Shell New Lens video analysis

Go to the Shell Scenarios webpage.

Once you have navigated to the site, watch the “Shell New Lens

Scenarios” video (1:38) found on that page. (If you have trouble

locating the video, it can also be found on YouTube.)

After watching the video, read the two scenarios, Mountains and Oceans, as well as pp. 22–24 in your textbook. (Mountains and Oceans is a PDF file found on the Shell Scenarios webpage.)

Then, in your initial post, consider the following:

  • Which of these scenarios do you think is most likely to occur? Defend your choice by analyzing it in the context of the deep historical forces outlined in the textbook.
  • How does Shell utilize business teams in this process?
  • What advice would you give Shell to prepare for its future to succeed in the face of likely governmental impacts?
Attachment previewdescribe,discuss the major theoretical perspectives that comprise social control. How do each of the theorists differ or are similar? Which of the “takes” on social control do you believe best describes crime, criminals, or our CJ system?