Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with topics such legalization of marijuana, abortion, or gay marriage?

Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with topics such legalization of marijuana, abortion, or gay marriage?

Write an essay that is 5 pages in length in Times New Roman font, size 12, and that is double-spaced. Your paper must be grammatically correct and have correct spelling. Please chose one of the following essays. Make sure to designate which essay you chose. Please do not make me guess. Make sure to cite your sources using APA or MLA, just be consistent with your citation style. Essays should be turned into Blackboard attached to this prompt. Use at least 5 sources as this is a research essay.

1. Should individual states have more or less power compared to the federal government when implementing laws dealing with topics such legalization of marijuana, abortion, or gay marriage?

2. Compare and contrast mandates and conditions of aid in terms of the federal government’s relationship with states.

3. Do you think that the federal government has not enough power, too much power, or just the right amount of power? Defend your answer.