Should today’s sentencing efforts be focused on rehabilitation, incapacitation or retribution?

Should today’s sentencing efforts be focused on rehabilitation, incapacitation or retribution?

1.) Given the history of corrections and how punishment has worked (or not worked) in the past, should today’s sentencing efforts be focused on rehabilitation, incapacitation or retribution? Why? 2.) Do you support a rehabilitative or punitive approach to treating juvenile delinquents? Why? Why might today’s society be inclined to a “get tough on juveniles” attitude? 3.) Which group of special needs offenders do you think poses the greatest challenge for corrections and why? 4.) Do you think all the collateral consequences of criminal conviction are fair? Or should felons ever be able to vote? Hold public office? Serve on a jury? Own or possess a firearm? Adopt a child? Why or why not?