Sick around the World video analysis

Sick around the World video analysis

Watch the video, “Sick around the World”, and submit a 3-4 page paper identifying one health care approach/issue from this video that you favor and would like to see discussed or addressed in U.S. health care. Explain why you favor this approach. Discuss one positive and one negative aspect of this approach/issue for the U.S. Do you think that this approach would be (or is) successful in the United States? Why or why not?


15 points: Accuracy of response: Information from video is applied in the response to assignment, is used accurately and without over reliance on direct wording or quotes from source material to respond to the assignment. It is clear that that the student understood the material, applied it accurately, and expressed it accurately, using his or her own words, with appropriate reference/citation to appropriate source material (to support, but not to replace their own response/self-expression).

10 points: Student did use material from appropriate source in response, but showed an over-reliance on direct language from the source as the primary response to the question. But, this material was appropriately cited. Some indication of accuracy, but lacking full indication of accuracy of the student’s personal understanding of material, due to limited use of their own words in response.

5 points: Minimal use of own words in response, some inaccuracy in use of source material or in own words. There were errors in or lack of appropriate citation.


10 Points. Completeness of response: All parts of the question were answered. Student fully explained their response- by discussing reasoning or providing an example to illustrate their response.

5 points: Not all parts of assignment were fully answered. Limited evidence of reasoning or no examples provided.


5 points. Presentation/Participation: Student showed professional communication, used complete sentences, accurate grammar and spelling. Work was submitted on time, when due.

3 points. Some challenges in use of professional communication. Late work submitted without prior approval or appropriate notice.