Social Disorganization Theory
Crime and Criminals Research Paper
Assignment Requirements • Must be submitted electronically through Canvas (.doc, .docx, or .pdf file types only) • Minimum length 6 full pages of body content (not counting title, reference pages) • At minimum, the 6 “respectable” sources from the annotated bibliography are required (4 must be peer-reviewed articles) • APA format and citation o only a title page, body, and reference section is needed o other components, such as an abstract or key words, are not required and will not count toward the page count • Standard formatting rules apply (e.g. 12-pt., standard font type, double-spaced, 1” margins) • The use of at least minimal section headings • This is a research paper, not an opinion paper. Students should make a concerted effort to keep themselves out of the paper Topic instructions • Chose at least one of the theories discussed in class and/or the texts • Create the research paper around that topic; this can be done in any manner you chose • The paper may: explain, support, compare/contrast, criticize, and/or apply example(s) to your selected theory or theories • Note that whatever topic you choose; you must take the discussion in your paper beyond what is discussed in class General notes • Must have central theme/idea/argument (i.e. thesis); stick to it! • Pick a topic on which you are at least somewhat knowledgeable (not necessarily one in which you are really interested) • Bigger does not necessarily mean better. Adding fluff won’t get you anywhere. • Focus more on your central thesis/argument and less on explaining the basics of the theory or theories. I know that you know the theories covered in class. Now I want you to expand said knowledge in some way and demonstrate that in the paper. • Be sure to proof read your paper! It is also advised that you do so out loud and/or have a friend proof your paper for you (after you have proofed it first). (Structure, grammar, punctuation, etc. all account for 30% of your grade.) • Expanding your vocabulary is always a good thing – but be sure you are both using new words properly and spelling them correctly! • Do not plagiarize! When in doubt: cite. • Wikipedia is a completely unacceptable source to use as a reference. Any paper that references this website will receive an automatic zero. • Texting jargon and spelling (e.g. UR, thru) is also completely unacceptable and its use will result in an automatic zero for the assignment. • The annotations in the reference section (from the annotated bibliography assignment) are for that assignment only; do not include them in this paper. Submission of sources • Along with the research paper, all sources referenced must also be submitted to Canvas under the “Paper Sources” assignment • PDFs of online sources must be submitted • Scanned PDFs or photographs of hard copy sources must be submitted • Failure to submit all sources will result in a grade of 0 on the research paper assignment