Social Justice Link To Poverty Beliefs & Structured Inequality Legitimation

Social Justice Link To Poverty Beliefs & Structured Inequality Legitimation

The paper should have 3 main sections and address each of the questions below.

Please note that questions below are outline of the paper and necessary information to be included in your paper.

The paper should be written in essay format, not answers to questions below.

The rubric contains additional clarification about assignment expectations.

Section 1: The Problem


What is the

social justice issue you will examine in this paper?

Why is it a social justice problem?

How prevalent is the problem?

What other details about the issue that demonstrate why it is an important social justice issue?

Section 2: Addressing the problem


Identify at least two agencies or groups that are working to address the problem and

describe their specific efforts to address the problem. What exactly are they doing to

address the problem?

How well are they doing at addressing the problem?

What evidence is there that they are making progress?

Section 3: Personal reflection


Why do you care about this issue?

 How do you think it could be better addressed

What do you plan to do in the next year to help address this issue? In the next 5 years?

Throughout your life?

What talents, abilities, and resources will you lend to this cause to address it and make the world a better place?