Soft Skills in Workplace Volunteering and Internships

Soft Skills in Workplace Volunteering and Internships

After reading Hoy’s (2011) article regarding internships and volunteering, and visiting the Student Career Center to read the information about Soft Skills, identify an opportunity to volunteer or intern through your current workplace, through an organization connected to your field of study, or one found through the Student Career Center under the Internship link. Keep in mind that volunteering on a workplace committee, as an extension to the community, or working under a mentor’s care are all examples of volunteering or internship, to name a few. Once you have identified your workplace opportunity, choose four soft skills from the list and complete the following: Analyze each of the four chosen soft skills in connection to what skill is important to your chosen volunteer or internship opportunity. Examine each with specifics and details, and offer examples related to your field of study. Conclude with a reflection of how your own soft skills could positively impact the chosen volunteer or internship experience. Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements: 3-4 pages in length Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements Cite a minimum of two scholarly sources, at least one of which is not provided in, or linked from, the course. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find scholarly sources! Write clearly and logically, as you will be graded on content, analysis, and your adherence to the tenets of good academic writing, which should be succinct where possible while also exploring the topics appropriately. Remember that you can always improve your work by providing support from outside scholarly sources, which help both to bolster your own assertions and supplement your ideas. The attachment is copied from my school this is the link to the SOFT SKILLS that it talks about wanting to know about in the paper