Solutions Koppelman proposes in to help impoverished children live better lives
Discussion Question #1 – due by day 3
First, Review the information in Chapter 9 discussing classism and cultural classism, paying attention to the effects of poverty on families, and particularly on children. Also read David K.Shipler’s article, “At the Edge of Poverty” in the Perspectives text.
Next, consider the solutions Koppelman proposes in Chapter 9 to help impoverished children live better lives.
Then, Based on what you learned from Shipler and Koppelman, respond to the following questions:
- Discuss some of the solutions and if you believe these solutions will truly help children? Why or why not? Who would need to be involved? Who would fund these and see that they are administered? How would the outcomes be assessed?
- What additional ideas do you have, and how would they help? Be sure to cite your sources.
Discussion Question #2 – due by day 5
Review the information on Ableism in Chapter 12 of the textbook and respond to the following questions:
- When was this first identified as an issue?
- What is cultural ableism?
- Provide one example of individual ableism and one example of institutional ableism that you have personally observed or read about in the news.
According to Koppelman, (p. 289), in 2001 the Journal of Disability Rights presented opposing views for and against the idea of categorizing people with disabilities as a minority group. In thePerspectives text we read about the challenges of being an advocate. Discuss the two sides of this debate.
- Would people with disabilities benefit from being recognized as a minority group? Why or why not?
- What do you think is the most serious problem facing people with disabilities today?
- What is one step that you believe could be implemented to improve this situation?
Be sure to cite any sources you use in answering these questions.
Here’s the book that the questions are referring to:
Understanding Human Differences
Koppelman, Kent
Edition: 4TH 14
Allyn & Bacon, Inc.