Strategic marketing plan for Next Tech Girl Superhero
Assessment Title
Marketing Plan
Task Description
Length: | 4,000 words (excluding the executive summary, appendices, table of contents, reference list, and charts). |
Assessment 2 requires students to work in groups of up to three students on a selected product or service to create a comprehensive strategic marketing plan. This is a group assessment with a maximum word limit of 4,000, that excludes the executive summary, appendices, table of contents, reference list and charts. Your assessment should be an application of relevant marketing concepts learnt in the unit.
Please upload the assessment through the Assessment 2 Moodle submission link. Each assessment must include your report uploaded as a .doc or .docx file (word file) and a powerpoint (.ppt) file. Please refer to the assessment section of the Moodle site for full details. Any assessment with a ‘Turnitin’ similarity score of more than 20% will be checked by the marker for plagiarism.
- YOU ARE to research, prepare and present on one of the following sections of your marketing plan: Situation analysis, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tactics. These are the only sections that need to be presented in your oral presentation. Each student should have enough content to present for 2 minutes on their section and should be prepared to answer any questions on their section.
The basis of your marketing report is an app developed by the Australian winners of the 2018 Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero. These apps are the prototype for a more fully developed app and to advance each app will require a marketing plan so future funding can be secured.
You are to choose one app from the following:
App No. 1.
P-Cubed, Good News Lutheran School, Brisbane
P-Cubed’s free multi-platform app, Plastic Pollution Preventers, will help young Queenslander’s consider how much plastic they use in their daily lives and its environmental impacts. The app allows users to record the quantity of plastic used and make better choices when purchasing products and choosing recyclable and reusable plastic bags. By doing this we hope to reduce the 8 million tonnes of plastic that flows into the world’s waterways, oceans and landfill each year. Our app is unique for two reasons; it allows users to track their plastic use, and it has been designed specifically with young Queenslanders in mind.
App. No. 2
Domestic Angels, Gladstone State High and Boyne Island State School
The Domestic Angels app was made to allow victims of domestic and family violence (DFV) to contact Police without being detected by their abuser. This app has been disguised as a cleaning app to avoid detection by the abuser and to stop inadvertent use or abuse of the app. However, the app allows the victim to contact Police using three quiet, simple and fast steps while keeping the abuser completely oblivious to what the victim is doing and thus keeping the victim safe. The victim’s message is sent by SMS directly to the Police and includes the victim’s location making it easier for Police to arrive quickly.
Need to know more information about these apps? Please check in Assessment 2 Topic in moodle for further information.
- Please note that you can change the focus of the apps and even split the app into two different apps to reach two specific target markets if needed. If you choose to do this, be specific about which app you are using for this report and rename the app accordingly. Think carefully about the problem that the app tries to solve and how your group might have solved it differently or maybe in a better way. There is no correct answer to this as it depends on your findings and how you see the solution that resolves the problem under investigation.
Your marketing plan needs to include the following components as these form your marking rubric.
- Executive Summary:
- Covering the entire marketing plan
- Introduction:
- Includes an overview of the app or new app
- Situation analysis:
- Market summary
- Target Markets – Includes a description of the potential customers (i.e. market size, buying behaviour, etc.)
- Market Demographics, geographics and behavioural factors
- Market Needs
- Market Trends – Macroenvironmental forces analysis evaluation of the context (i.e. political, economic, societal, technological and legal aspects)
- Competitor analysis
- SWOT analysis
- Marketing Strategy:
- Mission statement
- At least 3 Marketing objectives – objectives should be realistic and measurable
- At least 3 Financial objectives
- Target market(s) – a discussion on the specific customer segment(s) for your selected App service with good justifications
- Positioning – discuss the desired positioning for the App and develop a clear positioning statement
- Marketing Tactics:
- Product actions
- Pricing actions
- Distribution actions – specifically consider what digital marketing delivery methods would be most appropriate to market the completed app: online marketing, social media and/or the mobile marketing platforms? Provide justification based on your target market selected.
- Communications actions – specifically consider the digital communications actions.
- Marketing research actions – what further research do you recommend (if any)?
- Controls:
- What are the minimum required metrics to ensure your business is achieving your marketing objectives and financial objectives?
- Key implementation milestones
- Academic Quality:
- Demonstrated breadth and quality of research by using a minimum of 10-15 relevant academic sources. Correctly using the APA in text referencing system to cite academic sources.
- Professionalism:
- Professional report layout and style including title page, executive summary, introduction, conclusion, use of appropriate headings and sub headings, page numbering, Table of contents, Table of figures and tables, excellent written and oral English expression and grammar, creativity, use of tables, charts, graphs, analytical skills, communication skills.
- The oral presentation is to a professional standard with the student having the ability to answer questions posed for their section.
Report format:
- Title page including names, student numbers of all group members and campus
- Executive Summary
- Table of Contents
- Introduction – Overview of the app or new app, purpose, scope and limitations
- Situation analysis
- Marketing Strategy
- Marketing Tactics
- Controls
- Conclusion
- References – at least 10 quality academic references were used and correctly referenced
- Appendices
Assessment Criteria
Referencing Style
Submission Instructions
Please ensure you submit your work as a word document (.doc or .docx) through assessment 2 submission link in unit’s Moodle page.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
- Research and analyse the marketing environment and evaluate marketing opportunities.
- Analyse marketing concepts and theories in relation to business challenges, reflect upon the issues and synthesise complex information to develop solutions.
- Critically assess the key role of marketing management including digital and traditional communications in the business environment.
- Research, develop and communicate a comprehensive marketing plan.
- Effectively communicate marketing knowledge in general business contexts.