Summarize the Heysel Disaster. What happened? Who was involved? What was the impact on sport? Why did this happen?

Summarize the Heysel Disaster. What happened? Who was involved? What was the impact on sport? Why did this happen?

Watch the following documentary on the Heysel Disaster (circa 45 minutes of content):

Submit a 3-5 page paper (title page and reference pages required, but will not count towards the page total) outlining the following:

1) Summarize the Heysel Disaster. What happened? Who was involved? What was the impact on sport? Why did this happen?

2) What security protocols in the 1980’s may have led to the Heysel Disaster being more devastating?

3) What security protocols exist in sport today that could have prevented this incident?

4) What role does hegemonic masculinity play in violence, if any? Explain.

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