Supply Distributions Analysis At Royal Creations

Supply Distributions Analysis At Royal Creations

For this assignment, create a 14-slide PowerPoint presentation accommodating the attached paper. Follow the steps below to complete this assignment:

  • The titles for each slide will correspond with the sections
  • Use action words that convey action to satisfy the items listed
  • Add a short script or speaker notes to each slide.

All Elements Scored

Basic: Title, Introduction, name on title page, conclusion

Research: Clear focus on a supply chain management topic

Clarity: Logical presentation of material

Quality: Creative application of supply chain principles to project

Quality: Effort represented by the written project

Professionalism: Written in a professional business style

Overall: Coverage of material complete w/o seeing presentation

– Narrow your focus

– Use notes as reference not as clutch

-Expand the material on the slides

– Don’t be afraid to take risks

– As in business you sometimes get 2 min to WOW your boss..Make the most out of it