Suppose an experienced employee completes an average of 16 activities per hour. What is the efficiency of this experienced employee?

Suppose an experienced employee completes an average of 16 activities per hour. What is the efficiency of this experienced employee?

The standard time for completing a particular activity is four minutes and ten seconds.

a) Suppose an experienced employee completes an average of 16 activities per hour. What is the efficiency of this experienced employee?

b) Suppose a new employee is hired who has an efficiency of 80%. How long (in minutes and seconds) does it take the new employee on average to complete the activity?

c) Suppose a different new employee (different from part b) is to be hired and paid $30 per hour to complete this activity. Suppose each completed activity generates a revenue of $2.20. What efficiency is needed for this new employee to generate a 20% profit (revenue minus pay to the employee)?