Synthesize what you have learned so far about popularity, rejection, bullying, and violence.
Write an essay (in paragraph form) of at least 650 words (~3 pages) that synthesizes what you have learned this week about popularity, rejection, bullying, and violence. Use the questions below as inspiration. Be sure to include (and cite) information from the Leary et al article, the video clips you watched, the textbook, PowerPoint slides, and any other reliable sources you choose. What does it take to be popular in middle school and high school? Is it the same for boys and girls? List the top three criteria. What does it take to get bullied? List and describe some common characteristics of people who tend to get bullied. What characteristics do bullies possess? In other words, what do you think makes people more likely to victimize others? Do you think the criteria discussed in the first three questions are universal or do they differ across racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic groups? According to the Leary et. al article, what are 3 main risk factors or “red flags” for violence? What trends did you notice about the incidents included in Leary et. al’s analysis? (hint: check out the table on p. 208) The article was written and the film clip produced over a decade ago. Do the same claims hold true today? A number of bullying prevention measures were discussed in the film clip including bystander interventions, peer mediation, adult mediation, role playing, peace treaties, team building and empathy exercises, etc. Discuss which if any of these methods you think would be effective and why. Do you experience bullying in your life today? At work? In class? With friends? At the gym? Remember to submit your work in an acceptable format. Acceptable formats include .doc,.docx, .rtf, .odt, or .pdf files.