Target market:Who should be the target market in the U.S.?
Global MarketingMarketers must develop a keen awareness of how the environmental factors willpresent opportunities or threats to the company, brand, and product being marketed.According to Lamb, et al., (2014), “global marketers face the same environmentalfactors as they do domestically: culture, economic, technological, political structure andactions, demography, and availability and sustainability of natural resources” (p. 55).Large corporations have traditionally been the major global competitors, but more andmore small businesses are entering the global marketplace by the very fact of having anInternet presence.To understand how a product of the United States of America (U.S.) is perceived in theglobal marketplace can be difficult for new marketers. To build a strong understanding ofglobal marketing, you will consider the reverse scenario by identifying a foreign madeproduct to market in the United States.Directions for the Discussion BoardGlobal MarketingYou should shop for a product made by a foreign firm. Possible choices for this
Discussion include ethnic grocery stores (such as Latino stores or Japanese foodstores) or chains such as Cost Plus or Pier One that import inexpensive products fromother countries. When selecting a product, try to find one that is amusing and hasobviously been poorly marketed in terms of packaging, brand name, or general lack ofappeal to U.S. consumers. Take notes on these products.As the foreign marketer of your chosen product, put together a strategy for marketing itin the United States. You have the opportunity to keep the product the way it is or tochange it completely. Consider the additional costs associated with changing theproduct.
Using research from Chapter 5 in your textbook, write your response describing a globalmarketing strategy for your chosen product covering the following areas:
Checklist: address the following target market questions and those regarding the4 P’s in your postings:
1.Target market:Who should be the target market in the U.S.?
Whatvariables will be used to select the target market?