Techniques that Smith can use to Increase the Emphasis on Business Ethics
Ethical business behavior is not only moral, but it is also makes good business sense. Reference, year. Being ethical in business doesn’t always mean you’re right or you’re wrong. Being ethical in business means doing the right thing even if you do or do not agree with that. Your business culture should be emphasized at the time of hire where employees know beyond a shadow of a doubt what the ethical standards of the business are.
Techniques that Smith can use to Increase the Emphasis on Business Ethics
According to Entrepreneurship: Starting and Operating a Small Business, the best way to create ethical business values is to demonstrate and create a foundation that consistently implements ethics. This can be done by creating a code of conduct, code of ethics and business conduct. The three combined will establish the overall code of ethics for Smiths’ business and will break down the values of his company, set the official standard for each employee on how they behave at work as well as their personal life when it is in regard to the company which can be all wrapped up into a written statement. The new hire can read and sign if understood. Doing these things for the business, Smith will eliminate some problems that may arise and keep a documented trail that the employees understand s all of these values. Also, Smith needs to incorporate leading with his own integrity and respect for his employees. To obtain the results Smith is working for he will need to model the correct behavior. Smith can also demonstrate social responsibility with actions that will contribute to his community. Staying up on what is going on in your community and business social networks will show the employees that he is consistent with his core values and ethics, both in his work life and personal life.
Improvements to the Human Resources Department (HR)
For Smith to make improvements to the HR department, he needs to make sure he’s up on all labor laws and human resource compliance information. These policies are very important when it comes to legally binding documents. There are many tax issues that can affect employees which affects the health of the business. The organizational development with the human resource team is a very important role when it comes to “organizational structure employee retention and succession planning.” Mariotti, 2013. Even the most professional entrepreneur or business owner needs professional development education, which can be done in house or the training can be done outside.