Technology & Pop Culture: The Movie “A.I. Artificial Intelligence” analysis
The movie “A.I. Artificial Intelligence” touches on several different topics, but the most prevalent would be the use of robotics in our future lives. Explore the movie by answering the questions below. See the Requirements section below for more information on the format, structure, and requirements. Essay questions/Prompts (Choose 4) What is different between David and typical Mechas? In your opinion, is this difference ethical? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). Initially, Monica has a negative attitude towards David. Why do you think this is? How does her attitude towards David change? How would you personally handle the situation? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). Discuss the ethical implications of the relationship between Monica and David – is a relationship like this ethical? What are the pros and cons of this type of relationship? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). At the Flesh Fair, it is mentioned that Mecha children are never made. Explain why David exists, and why, in your opinion, that Mecha children had never been created before? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). There are different types of Mechas in this movie. Explain how mechas are different from a regular “robot” or “automated system”. Discuss the pros/cons of the different types of Mechas (other than David). What are there purposes/why were they created? Are they useful? Is it ethical to create these types of Mechas? In 2001, the movie was exceptionally futuristic in terms of consciousness, intelligence, and sentience of robots. Do you believe the movie is still futuristic? Why or why not? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). At the Flesh Fair, ‘orgas’ are destroying Mechas for sport. What are some of the reasons this is occurring? Do you agree or disagree with the sentiment? What are the ethical issues surrounding this? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). What is a piece of technology in the movie (besides a Mecha) that does not yet exist? Do you think it will exist in the near future? Why or why not? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). After David finally gets to Prof. Hobby office, why does he react the way he does to the situation? How did he handle the information that he found out from the Professor and what did he decide to do? Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). David and Teddy have a relationship that goes for the entire movie. Describe this type of relationship and how it changed during the span of the movie. How does it compare in social and ethical terms to human relationships and Davids relationship with his Mom. Support your answer with research, personal opinion, and specific parts of the movie (citations!). Requirements Describe your experience with this movie. Please answer all of these questions in full, complete sentences. Provide a brief summary of the movie (at least ½ page) You MUST use specific examples from the movie in your answer. What was your opinion of the movie? (at least ½ page) You MUST use specific examples from the movie in your answer. How feasible do you think the technology shown in the movie is? Why or why not? Use specific examples of at least ONE (1) technology used in the movie (at least ½ page) Choose FOUR (4) essay questions/prompts from the list below. Please answer in full, complete sentences. (½ page is a guideline, please do not exceed 1 page per question, each question. You must include at least ONE (1) DIRECT example from lecture material from this entire semester of lecture PER question. This could be a specific lecture topic, discussion during lecture, quote from lecture – you must also cite the lecture or lecture notes. For help with citing a lecture, go here: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Use a combination of personal opinion and research (cited!) to answer (please see “research” at the bottom of this assignment) Please put each question on a separate page within the paper with the question at the top so we know what question you have chosen to answer Formatting See the Formatting and Citation Guide. Your paper should be edited for grammar and spelling, be written thoughtfully, have full complete sentences (no answering questions in bullet points!) and include a nice mixture of personal opinion and research. Research At least 4 external references/sources total. Only 1 may be Wikipedia. At least one direct lecture citation for each question. Miscellaneous You MUST use Microsoft WORD to complete your assignment. MAC and PC USERS: please be sure that your document file has the appropriate file extension (such as .doc, .docx) Please remember to save a copy of your Word file to YOUR PERSONAL computer/storage device for your records (just in case something weird happens on Canvas) Please see the course website for the late assignment policy. ALL instances of academic misconduct WILL be reported, so please DOUBLE CHECK YOUR WORK.