The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union
The Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union was the first constitution written by the United States when they declared their independence. It organized the new country under a federation style government, in which the states retained sovereignty over all governmental functions that were not specifically assigned to the central government. Formally ratified by the thirteen states in 1781, by 1789 some groups in the country had come to believe that this document could not meet the needs of the nation.
This discussion forum will require you to complete the following before you can proceed with the discussion.
- Review and identify the relevant sections in Chapter 8 of your textbook..
- Read the following linked excerpt from the Articles of Confederation. ( You can also read the full text of the Articles at the following link.( Your discussion will be based primarily on the Articles, but you can refer to outside sources to support your discussion. Please indicate your source. Keep in mind that Wikipedia is not an acceptable reference.
After you have completed your readings, post your answers to only ONE following questions.