The Color of Justice Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America by Samuel Walker, Cassia Spohn and Miriam Deleon review
Read pages 1-32 of The Color of Justice Race, Ethnicity, and Crime in America by Samuel Walker, Cassia Spohn and Miriam Deleon. Answer the questions listed below. There is a 300 word minimum length requirement. Double spaced 12 point front, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins on top and bottom, up to 1.25 inch margins on the right and left side. The first line of each paragraph will be indented ½ inch. Make sure you use references. Make to demonstrate comprehension of the course material. Also, the discussions are not an opportunity to copy the textbook or my lecture notes, but rather use the information presented in class to answer the discussion questions. The focus of your discussions should be on critically examining, analyzing and synthesizing the information rather than using the textbook or lecture notes as an outline to answer the questions. Is there systematic discrimination in the criminal justice system or not? You have read brief statements on two sides of the issue. Which ones did you find most interesting? What do you most want to learn more about in the chapters ahead? a) Heather MacDonald argues that this is a myth, that disparities are based on higher rates of crime in communities of color. b) However, differences in arrest rates, prosecution rates and incarceration rates are evident for people of color in the justice system. Be sure to answer the questions above.