The Effect of Prenatal and Postnatal Care of Childhood Obesity

The Effect of Prenatal and Postnatal Care of Childhood Obesity

Write your summary in 5 pages or so, basically summarizing each of the major sections – literature review, methods section, results section and discussion. Let the abstract at the beginning of the paper guide you (It’s just one paragraph but is a great guide). Why was the study done and how does it fit in with other work in the field (the intro or lit review)? What was the actual experiment (the methods section)? What were the results (the results section)? Why is it important (the discussion section)? Conclude your paper with a personal reaction — does this fit with what you’ve seen? How might you use any insight the study provides? Include the pdf of the article (or link to it) and the reference to the article in APA style. Here’s an example of a reference RESEARCH PAPER MUST BE IN APA STYLE FORMAT