The Human Service Professional discussion

The Human Service Professional discussion

Your original response to the Discussion topic should be at least 300 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned readings and activities. Use your words wisely so that the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Remember to include APA style citations and a reference list.

The Helping Relationship:

You are a case manager at a local human service agency. You work in an office in which you also meet with clients, helping to connect them to needed services. After completing your Reading for this week, please respond to the following questions:

  • Consider the discussion on pages 110–112.Describe how your office for the position described above might be furnished or arranged. What is your reasoning for these choices?
  • How will you greet your new client the first time you meet him or her? Will you walk out to the lobby to greet your client or have the client escorted to your office? Will you shake hands or engage in another type of greeting? Explain your reasoning for your choices.
  • Review the sections of the NOHS Ethical Standards that discuss informed consent. What type of responsibility is owed by a human service professional regarding informed consent? Based on your reading of the Code, what steps would you take to meet that standard(s)?
  • Describe the concept of informed refusal. How is this covered in the NOHS Standards?
  • Identify the legal and ethical issues that may impact human services practice in the areas of administration and child and family services.
  • Review the case example on page 130 regarding Daleep. Assuming you are working in the position described above, how might you respond to Daleep? Provide the reasoning for your responses.