The Impact of Technology on the Performance of Organization

The Impact of Technology on the Performance of Organization

While 80 – 90% of the research paper will be drawn, or borrowed, from its sources, no more than 10-15% of the paper may be quoted. Thus, most of the research paper will be paraphrased in your own words. C. Material borrowed from sources, including all quotations, must be accurately, exactly and correctly documented. Summaries and paraphrases of borrowed material that is not common knowledge as we have defined it in class must also be accurately, exactly and correctly documented, as demonstrated in class. D. Plagiarism of any kind will be grounds for a failing grade on the research paper; and as a result, the course. You are responsible for using the principles and techniques of MLA documentation. IV. DEVELOPMENT A. Your research paper must employ clear, linear, systematic reasoning and sound logic. Like any other expository essay, the research paper must follow a clear, coherent, logical, linear and appropriate pattern of organization, and it must use transitions and coherence devices to create a continuous flow of thought that is readily understandable to the reader. V. MECHANICS AND MANUSCRIPT FORM A. The research paper must be written in clear, correct English that is appropriate to an academic occasion. All parts of the assignment must be proofread for typographical, careless or mechanical flaws. VI. EVALUATION: The research paper will be assessed holistically, with content, organization, documentation and mechanics all contributing to its effectiveness or otherwise. A grading rubric, which is attached to the assignment and that will be discussed in class, will be utilized for grading.