The nurse has chosen Diarrhea as the nursing diagnosis from the Elimination Pattern for this client. Which interventions are appropriate for this diagnosis?

The nurse has chosen Diarrhea as the nursing diagnosis from the Elimination Pattern for this client. Which interventions are appropriate for this diagnosis?

Following three days of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Assessments: height = 6’1″, weight = 114 kg, dry mucous membranes, amber urine, poor skin turgor, lung sounds clear, bowel sounds hyperactive, heart sounds normal, but tachycardic. Vital signs: Temp = 99.8, Apical heart rate = 120, Respiratory rate = 24, Blood pressure = 100/60, Oxygen Sat = 93% on room air. Orders: clear liquid diet, activity as tolerates, 0.9% NaCl IV @ 150 cc per hour, Continue home meds: ASA 81 mg PO daily, metoprolol succinate 100 mg PO bid, multivitamin PO 1 tablet daily.

Question: The nurse has chosen Diarrhea as the nursing diagnosis from the Elimination Pattern for this client. Which interventions are appropriate for this diagnosis?