The Politics of Gender and Sexuality
- Midterm assignment Maximum of five pages, with 1.5 spacing. Please use Chicago in-text citationswith page numbers for every source of facts or ideas.
- Pick one of two questions to answer:
- On the basis of Vidal-Ortiz, Robinson, and Khan (2018), write a critique of at least two other readings we have done this semester. (What do they have in common, what is different, what would the Race and Sexuality analysis add that they are missing?)
- Using at least five of our readings, develop your own analytical approach and describe the intersection of race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, and power. (How do these identities and related modes of oppression relate to one another?)
All written work for this class must conform to the following guidelines:
- All written work must be typed, double-spaced with one inch margins, and in twelve point font. Use of Chicago style for all writing assignments is required unless otherwise specified by the instructor.
- All pages should be numbered in a consistent manner. If the numbering is in the center it should be that way throughout the paper.
- All sources must be legitimate. That means academic texts, established news organizations, international organizations, government publications, or similarly reliable sources. Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, memes, talk radio and the like can be used if they are the subject of your paper
Here are all the Readings:
1- Connell, R.W., (1999). “Making Gendered People: Bodies, Identities Sexualities” from Revisioning Gender edited by Myra Marx Ferree, Judith Lorber, and Beth B. Hess. Rowman Altamira in the attachment
2- Overview of the intellectual roots of Women’s Movements
3- AND de Beauvoir, Simone, (1949) “Introduction” from The Second Sex
4- MLK Jr. On Gender and Sexuality
5- “Sexism in the Civil Rights Movement”
7- Millett, Kate, (1969). “Chapter 2: Theory of Sexual Politics” from Sexual Politics
9- Fausto‐Sterling, Anne, (1993). The five sexes. The sciences, 33(2), pp.20- 24.
10- Fausto‐Sterling, Anne, 2000. The five sexes, revisited. The sciences, 40(4), pp.18-23. In the attachment
11- Kimmel, Michael S. (2004). “Masculinity as homophobia: Fear, shame, and silence in the construction of gender identity.” Race, class, and gender in the United States: An integrated study. pp. 81-93. In the attachment
12- Salvador Vidal-Ortiz, Brandon Andrew Robinson, Cristina Khan (2018).“Introduction” and “Part I” from Race and Sexuality In the attachment