The weakness of labor movement in the beginning of 20th century
Based on the 2 readings, what were the two most important factors that contributed to the weakness of the labor movement during this period? Please select a total of two factors from the list of “external” and “internal” factors below: “External” factors: These are factors that provided the economic, political, and cultural environment or context within which labor organizations functioned during this period. (1)Employers’ use of new technology to reduce the role of skilled workers in the production process (2)Employers’ strategies to avoid unionization (e.g. blacklisting union activists, use of spies and armed guards, welfare capitalism plans, etc.) (3)The role of the government and judiciary in supporting employers “Internal” factors: These are factors based on the activities and strategies of labor organizations, as well as the relationship between various groups of workers. (1)Competition and conflict between the American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor (2)Racism and sexism among workers