Theories why people commit rape
Theories why people commit rape
Required Term Paper:theories why people commit
Students are required to write a paper that involves the following steps: 1) choosing a type of crime (e.g., rape); 2) presenting key facts about that crime or the offenders who commit that crime; and 3) presenting a theory that explains why people commit this type of that flows logical from the key facts you described earlier. You also have the option of suggesting ways to reduce this type of crime based on the logic of your theory.
The paper must be a minimum of three full, double-spaced pages (six full pages if you are a graduate student) and must have a reference page with a minimum of three sources (six if you are a graduate student). The paper should have 1 inch margins, and 12-point Times New Roman font should be used. The paper is due on April 29th. The paper should include a title page and a references page. ASA formatting style is encouraged (but not required – you can use another format (e.g., APA if you want to) and a guide for this can be found here:
Use the most scholarly sources you can find: peer-reviewed journals and university or government websites that focus on statistics and facts are the best sources. Books are acceptable, but other sources are discouraged. Roughly 50-75% of the paper should go over the keys facts, while the rest of the paper should attempt to develop an explanation that draws on the facts. Theories discussed in class or in the textbook or from other sources are encouraged, but students can develop their own explanations as well.
Grades will be based on: 1) meeting the paper requirements; 2) clarity, logical flow, and good organization; and 3) the insightfulness of the explanation. The paper is due on April 29th. A paper copy is preferred, but an electronic copy can be emailed if there are problems.