Tigers in Thailand inhabited by monks: Is this a ethical correct business?
Explore a topic of significant course relevance that incorporates the following: a business, triple bottom line, stakeholder management and ethical leadership. Report: Minimum of 10 single-spaced, 12-point font pages (or or double-spaced equivalent) with one inch margins, headers, footers, page numbers, headings and sub-headings as appropriate. APA in-text citations. APA references at the end of the report do not count toward the page expectations. Content: 75%; style 25%. Content will include breadth and depth of coverage, relevance to the course, use of course material embedded within the report, evidence of secondary research. Style includes spelling, grammar, use of business diction, layout and design aesthetics, consistency in use of APA referencing. p.s as a topic of choice i have discussed with the prof to write on the issuse that is in thailand with the tigers. use budhism as managment ideology and how they should be forming in relation of their beliefs. also addressing the issues as to are the tigers drugged and is this ok to get tourists to pay this money them not knowing or is it ok as the money goes to feeding the tigers and the temples. argue for this to be wrong and that tigers are mistreated also add some graphs or exibits but these graphs do not count towards the length.