To Thwart a delusion territory of caliphate in Southeast Asia: Countering the transformation of Radicalism into a new ideology

To Thwart a delusion territory of caliphate in Southeast Asia: Countering the transformation of Radicalism into a new ideology

2 days, 4000 words, times new roman 12, citation more from books 2014 up citation in Chicago style 17-20 references Main discussion: 1.Opacity of ideology in the fusion of nationalism and religion 2.Stopping the spread of radical ideology in Indonesian society and Southeast Asian nations. 3.Radical leaders always need financial support and interest of the youth Conclusion: 1.Government officials and chaplains should cooperate in enlighten the public about the placement of ideology and religion properly. 2.How to switch the people’s mind from radical into the spirit of to develop each family 3.How to cut the ISIS influence in social media with their target to attract youth and finance support.